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Living costs soar, food and petrol up

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"AUSTRALIA'S inflation rate jumped over the June quarter, driven higher by essential living costs such as petrol and a sharp rise in rents and fruit and vegetable costs.
Over the June quarter, the consumer price index (CPI) jumped 1.2 per cent, well above economists' expectations. In a big hit to Australian households, the most significant price rises this quarter were for fuel ( up 9.1 per cent), hospital and medical services ( up 3.4 per cent) and fruit costs (up 8.4 per cent).

Other big contributors were rents (up 1.6 per cent), vegetables (up 6.1 per cent), furniture ( up 3.9 per cent) and house purchase costs (up 1.0 per cent)."

This news was quoted from on July 25, 2007 11:38am.

Are these true?

With Shoppingmate, we will be able to know how much of weekly grocery shopping costs, we will be able to know how much of each category costs, further more, we will be able to know the price history of any shopping item. Once you find out what is your living cost, you can judge whether this news was true or not.

What does this news mean to you?

With Shoppingmate, we will be able to prepare our shopping lists at home and we will be able to know the cost of shopping. We should select what we have to buy first, then to choose what we can afford to buy. This means that you can control your live costs and manage your budget.

Squares Solutions Company
July 2007
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